Articles tagged with 'JavaScript'
IBAN tools 1.4.0 released
I just released IBAN Tools version 1.4.0. This version includes updated development dependencies and @types support.
IBAN tools 1.3.0 released
I released IBAN Tools version 1.3.0. This version of IBANTools contains bug fixes and some other improvements.
IBAN tools 1.2.0 released
A week ago I started updating development dependencies for IBANTools library. After yesterdays feature request to add BIC/SWIFT validation I added that too.
IBAN tools 1.1.0 released
I finally got time to make some changes to IBAN tools library. Library now supports all countries from IBAN Specification, revision 66.
IBAN tools 1.0.3 released
Added Ukraine to IBAN country list, jspm properties to package.json file and some other minor changes.
Editing React jsx files using GNU Emacs
I finally started using React and this article explains my GNU Emacs setup for editing rjx files.
New version of IBAN tools released
Today I finally revisited IBANTools.
Creating CSS rules in JavaScript
Sometimes you want to insert complete CSS rules into specific page with JavaScript. Here is how.
Linting JavaScript in GNU Emacs
With any programming language, when you do some client or day job work, you need to deliver quality software. When you contribute to FLOSS projects, you have to follow some style guides specified for that project. Great help with all of that are linters and style checkers.
node_modules/.bin in your project $PATH
How to always have 'node_modules/.bin/' from your project in your path, in shell and in GNU Emacs