IBAN tools 1.5.0 released
I released IBAN Tools version 1.5.0 just 5 days after previous release. Reason for that is previously undetected typo in function name.
IBAN tools 1.4.0 released
I just released IBAN Tools version 1.4.0. This version includes updated development dependencies and @types support.
flycheck-popup-tip available on Melpa
flycheck-popup-tip is now available on Melpa. That is extension for GNU Emacs and Flycheck. It implements minor-mode for displaying errors from Flycheck using popup.el library.
Create Atom feed per tag/category in Middleman
I use Middleman as static page genarator for this website. One question I often get is how to build separate Atom feed for every category/tag that I use on this site. Here is solution that I end up using.
IBAN tools 1.3.0 released
I released IBAN Tools version 1.3.0. This version of IBANTools contains bug fixes and some other improvements.
IBAN tools 1.2.0 released
A week ago I started updating development dependencies for IBANTools library. After yesterdays feature request to add BIC/SWIFT validation I added that too.
Arduino controlling LED strip
Arduino Nano controlling WS2812B LED strip with 100 LEDs
IBAN tools 1.1.0 released
I finally got time to make some changes to IBAN tools library. Library now supports all countries from IBAN Specification, revision 66.
Moving private repositories from GitHub to AWS CodeCommit
Today I moved all my private repositories on GitHub to AWS CodeCommit.
Creating Rails 5 API only application following JSON:API specification
This article describes how to build API only Rails application using new Rails 5 `--api` option. Further, I'll explain how to follow JSON:API specification and how to test your API's.